Monday, May 4, 2009

Back to school

Today's my 1st day studying after monthss... hold pencil oso gt prob.. writing oso different edy..
hahaha.. so our class starts 8am.. 1st 2 hours was statistics.. hmm.. ok la.. no comment.. my class got lk 30+ ppl? lk 5 berlian la.. haha...
the statistic lecturer was okie... he says he communicate with students usin facebook.. so in !! haha.. After that, we went bck n sleep.. on the way, we saw Harjir on the bridge.. haha.. so berjodoh la.. haha.. So, we went bk to hostel.. den when we almost slept, harjir called n said her class finish, ask us lepak.. so we meet up harjir n meifen at the cafeteria.. hehe..
After eating lunch, we went to the library n talk talk, den we went on9.. n i saw amrit on the line!! haha.. lol... lk dis oso wana tell.. haha.. i like la.. the lunch quite cheap n nice..
then, 2pm we got chemistry class, so went to the class.. n u noe wht? the lecturer give us 3 quest 2 ans..
atomic mass n duno wat
1 more forget rdy..
So long edy spm over, of course i duno hw 2 ans.. haha..
oh ya, we met a new friend frm Kelantan.. we 3 ppl oso duno how 2 do the quest, so we main tembak je.. n den pass up.. lolz..
actuali chem is 2pm-4pm.. but mayb 1st day of class, so our class finish at 3pm.. huhu..
n we go bk to the library n on9 again.. hahaha..
bout 4 stg 5pm, we went bk to hostel, n now.. gona 6.30pm.. im on9ing.. haha..
so happie la, our account finally activate rdy.. hehe.. for the pass few days, cnt login oso..
bcoz we new student.. new wan.. haha.. nice la bcum new student, wat oso duno.. hehhee..
ok la, i hungry now, n i feel lk my body inside lk burning la.. but i got alot panadol.hehehe..
not to forget, juz nw we almost sesat.. you noe the inti punya block rite, all luk the same. oni the alphabet cn diffrentiate. but wich block oso i forget.. haha. that's the prob..

arite, till then! tata

1 comment:

Waniefa said...

waa u stat stdyin oredy ea?
syok x??
haha im goin to penang matirx laa
dis comin monday go register..
hope u wil suite dat place well
and grab ur victory okie?!!