Therefore, me n lian ee lepak at Leisure Mall. and guess who we saw?
We saw Gary Yap dat 8864 pengacara e-news.. when we naik escalator, he oso naik.. He stand behind us some more.. Dat time, i nt sure whether is him anot, and so not bothered..
Later on, me n lianee berbisik2 lols..
me: eii, dat one err..
lianee: dat one is that 8tv fella rite?
me: yalor, luks lk dat e-news wan ma rite
lianee: gary yap rite?
me: yup
lianee: go la u, take pic with him..
me: ei, u siao meh? later ppl tot i gila..
* then sampai atas edy n he walk left we walk right*
me: he no bodyguard weyh
lianee :bodyguard? 4wat la?
me: bodyguard 2 protect him la..
lianee:*shake head* protect him?? no la, no need wan.
me: ooh.. eii, he tall??
lianee: Nooooo.. for a model, he's not !
me: what u talking? he model? nt singer?
lianee: he model oso laa
me: oh reli? i didnt know..
lianee: he model la..
me: okok..
till now, oso i duno he model la weyh, model??
after we makan, n melepak, we went to near Giant thr and saw them.. oni i teringat that day in the programme he said will go to leisure mall to promote that ZHONG JI TIAN TUAN stg lk dat..
n so, here's the pics:
npe xamik pic je ngn die..
malu r.. hehee...
Nnt dia igt sy ni gila kew ape..
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