Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Forgive and forget

  • Letting go of past hurt and pain

  • Trusting in the goodness of mankind

  • Trusting in the goodness and mercy of God to take over for you

  • Letting go of fears for the future

  • Allowing yourself to be vulnerable to growth

  • Taking a risk

  • Working out your anger

  • Overlooking slight relapses or steps backward

  • Developing a personal spirituality

  • Developing an openness to the belief that people can change

  • Developing trust in others

  • Facing conflict head on, resolving it on the spot

  • Open, honest and assertive communication with others concerning hurts, pains, and offenses experienced

  • Seeking professional help when necessary to resolve the distance and coldness in a relationship

  • Recognizing your part or role in setting up hurtful experiences

  • Identifying and replacing the irrational beliefs that block your ability to forgive and forget

WE SHALL LEARN TO FORGIVE AND FORGET although it is hard, because:

Forgiving is letting the other person know that you accept as genuine the remorse and sorrow for actions or words that hurt or disappointed you.
is promising that this deed, whether of omission or commission, will not be brought up again.

Every1 makes mistakes, so do I...
Yes, I shall forgive and forget. It's not a big matter after all.. I plan to forgive someone.. lol.. : )

If you can't forgive and forget, these are what you will develop into:

1)Defensive, self-protective, and distant behavior
2)Being stuck in a battlefield stockpiled for future offensive attacks
3)Secretive and non-communicative behavior
Continuously being hurt with pain and suffering going unresolved.
Being caught up in unresolved anger, animosity, and bitterness.


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